Scripture TunesTM
"to share the Word of God with the people of the world through music."

Prayer Requests

Scripture Tunes' song library development is fueled by a movement of the Spirit of God among His people.  Praise God for His amazing and innumerable blessings on this project.  The Lord’s been very busy!!  But there is more to be done!  Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • … that God would continue to make clear His creative plans for the detailed development of this library.
  • … for the resources* God intends to provide to us to surface.
  • … for scripture-specific music, old & new, near & far, to continue to be submitted for inclusion in the library.


We welcome your help!

*  Legal assistance - Contracts & Song royalties

*  Financial assistance - Internet commerce

*  Legal assistance - International commerce

*  Translation services - Chinese, Russian, Italian

* Copyrights - we're seeking permissions from Bible publishers for song writers.

*  Financial support - we're accepting donations; checks to "Scripture Tunes" may be sent to the address below.

Share in prayer! ~ Invite a friend to pray with us.

Scripture Tunes  *  P.O. Box 13009 *  Oakland, CA 94661